Joshua Balogun

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Hello September

There's something different about September.

Or maybe it's just this September. We make these plans, but do they ever get fulfilled? Sadly, for most, the answer is no, but that's none of my business. My business is focusing on what's in front of me.


I believe that we add unnecessary stress when setting goals.

Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves within a 30-day window?

Let's be real with ourselves.

Baby steps…

Baby steps…

Ok, I've got it.

Every time I found myself in a bind, I would tell myself to THINK BIGGER.

And I'm going to continue standing by that. Mindset shift.

There's power in taking things day by day because anything can be thrown at you. That "anything" can derail you and knock you off your course.

I don't want to have the same goals this time next year. By saying that, I have the utmost faith that I can always count on myself.

I've observed a lot of disappointment through the eyes of others. I don't want to live a life filled with disappointments.

I remember a conversation with my dad about fear and accomplishment. He told me,

"Fear means nothing when you decide to move forward."

"Write it down, just one idea, sit there, and watch everything flow."

Set one goal a month and then break it down.

No more compromising.

No more disappointments.

No more doubts.

Here's to more spontaneous days in September.

Hello, September.