Joshua Balogun

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Escape 214

Well, it's my life, so why can't I be in control, right?

Getting older has just made it clearer that it's not control we may seek, but a sense of peace during moments of chaos.

I guess the question is how many losses can you take before you crack?

That's actually my current dilemma: taking uncontrollable losses in the midst of trying to grow.

Holding myself accountable for the controllable and the uncontrollable because it’s about how I choose to react, right?

Decisions that felt right but didn't pan out as intended are definitely a hard pill to swallow.

Decisions that didn’t feel so great but elevated you somehow, and now you're questioning why you ever doubted yourself.

Seriously though, how many L's does one need to take before they can move forward?

I guess that’s why time management matters.

These past few months of just moving forward, no matter what has been thrown my way, have definitely been a trip.

This escape was a reminder of what one had to do to get here, but also a warning.

I guess my fear was that comfort takes its form when stress is involved.

In closing, stay down until you come up.